Why Maverick?

While reading through some articles about the history of the Paso Robles area we came across the word “maverick” used to describe the type of people who settled here and who saw the potential of building a community.  With further reflection, the idea formed that Jesus was truly a maverick and as such, he taught his disciples to live boldly, courageously, and trail-blaze for the Gospel. In further study, we found that the word has a secondary definition describing an unbranded calf or yearling.  To us that represents the many Christians who have found themselves outside the local church body who we want to see come back into active community with the local body of Christ.  That sums up what we had already been feeling about this new church: one made up of passionate followers of Christ who are willing to be different than the world and to be a beacon of God’s love to the north county.  

Where we are called 

We love our community and want to see the Gospel spread from north Paso Robles to the furthest northern parts of SLO county, and  beyond.

Core Values

To value sincerity over showmanship or ego.
To care for the needs within our community as best we can.
To gather for the purpose of fellowship, worship, & building relationships.
To instruct, correct, and encourage each other for spiritual growth.
To affirm the existence and use of spiritual gifts within the body of Christ.
To do things for the purpose of spiritual/kingdom growth.
To actively take part of spiritual disciplines and learn to live out your faith.
To make a habit of speaking to God for thanksgiving and intercession.
To promote discipleship and church planting over numerical growth.
To spread the good news (Gospel) of Jesus outside our walls.
To identify and raise up leaders from within who then can be sent out.
To exalt the name of God the Father and Jesus Christ in spirit and truth.

we are not alone

Maverick Church is a part of  Converge: a movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting & strengthening churches together worldwide. For 170 years we’ve helped churches bring life change to communities in the U.S. and around the world through church planting and multiplication, leadership training and coaching, and global missions.  We are on our way!